About Us

Once upon a time, in September of 2018, on a dark and stormy night....

Ok, I'm not sure if it was dark or stormy or even night.

Pretty much, on that possibly-dark, possibly-stormy possible-night, club founders Sam Sims (who you may know as 2018's valedictorian) and Will Verret had a conversation that went something like this:

Will: Hey Sam, we should start a chess club.

Sam: Good idea! But, I don't know if anyone would want to join a club that's JUST a chess club. (Sam was unaware of the JUST chess club that would start up at Kits during CTHMC's 2020-21 quarantine hiatus because, as mentioned, this was 2018) We should make a club that does other things too!

Will: So like a "Chess, Tea, and Death Metal Club?"

Sam: Yeah, although I don't like death metal and am pretty sure you don't either. However, I do like heavy metal. How about a "Chess, Tea, and Heavy Metal Club?"

Will: poggers (did people in 2018 say poggers?)

And the rest was history. Even though the original club leaders have long since graduated, the club has been kept alive by current club leaders Diana Urbanczyk and Bones Robertson.

The club has come up with a variety of traditions, from Flick Chess to concoctions to ordering Cheesecake Etc at the end of the year.

And although eventually (next year) Bones, Diana, and I will have to leave the club and the school, we hope to keep the spirit of the Chess, Tea, and Heavy Metal club alive for as long as we can.